Learning How To Slab Saw Concrete: What You Will Need And How It's Done

Slab sawing concrete is not a difficult thing to learn. If you would like to learn how to cut concrete so that you can cut and remove damaged slabs from a driveway or walkway, or to cut slabs to position in your yard, you can learn how. Here is what you will need and how the process works.

Concrete Saw

A concrete saw is essentially a circular saw. It is very large, and mounted to its own arm and vertical table. You can rent a concrete saw for slab cutting, which means you do not have to worry about the expense of purchasing a concrete saw while you learn how to use one.

Lots of Water

To cut concrete, you need a lot of water. The water cools the saw blade, prevents the blade from dulling, and prevents the blade from overheating, which is very dangerous where cutting concrete is concerned. If you have a garden hose you can use, use that plus several five-gallon construction pails, to pour water continuously on the blade as it cuts a slab. You may need an extra pair of hands just to pour the water as you cut.

Facial Protection

Cutting concrete results in flying bits of concrete. You will need to protect your eyes and face from these flying bits. Invest in a full facial carpentry mask, which will not only protect your face, but it will also be very useful for any other cutting projects you do in the future. Be sure to buy the mask that has an adjustable head band so that the mask is neither too tight nor too loose. If you need help, ask someone in the carpentry department of a home improvement store for help.

How It Is Done

Now that you are equipped to begin learning slab sawing, don your face mask.

  1. Get your water ready.
  2. Rent your slab saw.
  3. Mark your slab with a straight edge so that the cut lines are perfect and you do not accidentally cut the slab at an angle or awkwardly.
  4. Wet the slab thoroughly, and be ready to wet the blade as needed.
  5. Place the saw at the edge of the slab and align it with the line you have marked.
  6. Turn the saw on and press it into the concrete. It will be hard going, and you need to just keep pushing downward.
  7. When the edge is cut through, begin sliding backward with the saw, very slowly.
  8. Lift the saw every few inches, wet the slab and/or the blade, and check to make sure the cut is complete.
  9. Continue this process until you have reached the end of your marked line.
  10. Turn the corner and cut the next line.

Continue this process until you have successfully cut the slab. It should lift out freely. Contact a company, like Concrete Coring Company, for more help.

About Me

Recognizing The Need For Concrete

When we began renovating our yard, I noticed that some of our concrete was having problems. In addition to having some craze lines, there were also some areas of concern that I needed to address. I began thinking about what we could do, and it occurred to me that this was a job for the professionals. I turned to a team of contractors to help us out, and was amazed by the positive response. They went through, ripped out the damage, and then replaced the damaged slabs in no time. Read more on this blog to find out how to improve your concrete.



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