Basement Waterproofing Guide For Home Additions With Finished Areas Lower Than The Exterior Elevations

If you are planning on doing a home addition, this could include additions to the basement area of your home. The basement part of the addition can be complicated because there are additional needs for waterproofing and damage. The following basement waterproofing guide for home additions will help ensure your home improvement investment is protected from water problems:

Inspecting The Drainage and Foundation Waterproofing Of The Existing Structure

The drainage and waterproofing of the existing structure will probably need repairs and improvements too. Therefore, before beginning the addition, you will want to inspect the existing foundation waterproofing. You will want to decide if you are going to invest in repairs, or completely replace these systems to easily integrate them into the new foundation waterproofing and drainage systems.

Excavations and Preparing The Existing Waterproofing Area For Improvements

The area where you are planning on doing the addition with a basement is going to require excavations to prepare for the project. When the excavation work is done, some of the existing foundations will also need to be exposed to tie these systems together. You may also want to excavate other areas where you plan on updating the existing drainage and waterproofing systems while doing the home addition.

Updating The Drain Tiles and Foundation Drainage System That Connects To The New Addition

The drain tiles and foundation drainage systems will also need to be updated and connected to the new addition. If the drain tiles are old clay pipe materials, you will want to completely replace the system with a modern foundation drainage system. If your home is newer, you may only need to connect the systems and do minor changes to ensure your foundation has good drainage.

Waterproofing The Basement Addition and Tying In The Foundation Waterproofing and Drainage

Lastly, the final addition has to have the waterproofing done. This is different than other projects because the new system is going to have to be tied in with the existing structure. This is why the entire waterproofing of the new and existing structure is often done completely new, which will help prevent problems with leaks where the systems tie together. If you do not replace the old waterproofing, make sure that any joints are well-sealed and inspect these areas for leaks and problems every few years.

These are some of the things that you will want to do for basement waterproofing to protect your home. If you are doing a home addition with a basement, contact a waterproofing service for home protecting your new home from water problems.

For more information, reach out to a basement waterproofing company in your area. 

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Recognizing The Need For Concrete

When we began renovating our yard, I noticed that some of our concrete was having problems. In addition to having some craze lines, there were also some areas of concern that I needed to address. I began thinking about what we could do, and it occurred to me that this was a job for the professionals. I turned to a team of contractors to help us out, and was amazed by the positive response. They went through, ripped out the damage, and then replaced the damaged slabs in no time. Read more on this blog to find out how to improve your concrete.



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